
Last day if class


Publishing your final Flash projects
- you need to hand in the following files
1. Your FLA
2. A Mac based Projector file
3. Your project Published with a HTML file and SWF(s)
4. Hand in everything in a folder labeled with your name


Present your work in the Art schools Opening @ 1:30pm

Enjoy your break

In class Thursday Feb 4th

Work on your project!


In class Mon Feb 1st

Project 3 is Due by the end of class today!

* you need to have links to the following blogs on your flash piece. you can get the URL's at


Project 4 Assigned

First Up , Show n' Tell (yes for real)

More Action Script

Controlling a Symbol (Movie Clip = MC)

* first you need to give your MC an 'instance name' or you can control a SWF you call up with loadMovieNum by its 'level'

* the top left corner of the stage is at x=0, y=o

* x measures the right to left position of the MC

* y measures the top to bottom position of the MC

new script
_x = controls the position of the X coordinate of the MC on the stage
_y = controls the position of the Y coordinate of the MC on the stage

_level99._x = 50;
_level99._y = -24;

_xscale = size of the X axis in comparison to the original MC
_yscale = size of the Y axis in comparison to the original MC

fighterA._xscale = 60;
fighterA._yscale = 60;

_alpha = changes the opacity of the MC

balloon._alpha = 30;

Lets look at some Examples:
- The Ameba
- Font Wars


In Class Thur Jan 28th

Show n Tell

Font Wars

work on project 3


In Class Tue Jan 26th

Show and Tell

Show me what you found!

Other Structures

* Create a flowchart for your site for Proj 3 by Thur

Check out the FLA for the above site.

Using Action script

Script so Far

gotoAndPlay( frame # );
gotoAndStop( frame # );

getURL("URL", window);
loadMovieNum("URL", level);

on (Release) { do something }

if ( something == something) { do something }

New Script



c = random(100) * 100 - 5;

trace("text" + variable);

trace("variable c = " + c);

* Remember Actionscript goes on Buttons and Key Frames ONLY!

Work on Project


In class Mon Jan 25th

Show and Tell

This weeks Flash examples are going to be presented by you!

Pathways of Experience through Interactive Structures
also known as Interface Design

* How you create the structure of the site influences the context of the experience for the end user ( the colaborator)

Other Structures

Check out the FLA for the above site.

Using Action script

Script so Far

gotoAndPlay( frame # );
gotoAndStop( frame # );

getURL("URL", window);
loadMovieNum("URL", level);

on (Release) { do something }

if ( something == something) { do something }

New Script



c = random(100) * 100 - 5;

trace("text" + variable);

trace("variable c = " + c);

* Remember Actionscript goes on Buttons and Key Frames ONLY!

Work on Project


In Class Fri Jan 22th

Flash Examples

Review Project 1 and Project 2

Quick Image Viewer

* Variables
var a = 1; (declares the variable and sets it to 1)
a = a + 1;
a = a - ( b + 10);
name = "Bob";
hit = "Hit";

* ' If ' statement
if ( a >= 20) { gotoAndPlay(2); }
if ( name == "Bob") { loadMovieNum("bob.swf", 40); }


In Class Thur Jan 21st

image by Olav Rokne
yes it is awesome click here to se more.

- Video
- Audio - MP3's work best

Nesting Symbols



Building a multi-level website with SWF's

- where you put it, is where it shows up!

- need help lining things up, try a screen shot (shift+apple+4)

Work on Project 1 & 2

Project 1 & 2 Due @ 3:00 pm today (thursday). Hand in your images and animations on your USB thumbdrive.



In Class Tue Jan19th


FPS = Frames Per Second

120 frames at 12 FPS = 10 seconds of animation


You can import JPGs, GIFs and PNG24's into flash

You want the images your bringing into Flash to be as close to the size they need to be as possible

Resolution of all screens is 72 dpi

Review 4 Animation styles in Flash

- Frame by Frame - anything goes
- Shape Tween - requires a shape
- Motion Tween - requires a symbol
- Motion Path - requires a symbol

* you can turn any 'Shape' into a 'Symbol' by selecting the Shape and clicking 'Convert to Symbol'

* Symbols can be either Movie Clips or Buttons

* Symbols are stored in the 'Library' (found under 'Window')


- React to the movement of the cursor

- Contain: UP, OVER, DOWN and HIT frames

- May contain Actionscript


- Stop();
- gotoAndPlay('frame #');
- gotoAndStop('frame #');
- on (release) { 'what ever you want to do' }


- getURL("url", window);
- loadMovieNum("url", level);
- unloadMovieNum(level);


In Class Mon Jan18th


Story of Stuff

Home on the Range

Project 1 & 2 Due Thursday Jan 21st

Motion Path, the 4th Animation Style

1) Create a Symbol on a layer

2) Click the 'Add Motion Guide' button

3) Select a frame on the Guide layer that matches the fame of your Symbol and create a Key frame

4) Using the Pencil tool draw the path you want the symbol to follow on the Guide layer

5) Attach the Symbol to the beginning of the line

6) Select a Frame as an end point on the Symbol's layer and create a key frame

7) Insert a Frame on the Guide Layer that matches the last frame on the Symbol layer

8) Attach the Symbol to the end of the path

9) Insert a Motion Tween on the Symbol's layer

Good Luck!

Buttons Symbols

- Up - How the button looks Normally

- Over - How the button looks when the cursor is over top of it

- Down - How the button looks when the button is pressed while over top of it.

- Hit - The area sensitive to cursor.

Basic Actionscript

- Timeline Actions

--- look under 'Global Functions' --> 'Time Line Control'

- Button Actions

--- look under 'Global Functions' --> 'Movie Clip Control'

Both can use 'Global Functions' --> 'Browser/Network'

Controlling the Timeline

On the Timeline

- Stop();

- gotoAndPlay("frame #");

- gotoAndStop("frame #");

ie.... gotoAndStop(134);

On Buttons

- on (release) {"what you want to do"};

ie... on (release) {    gotoAndPlay(1);     }


In Class Fri Jan 15th

Flash Animation Examples


VS Birds Animation

Flash Basics Day 3

Color Mixer

Creating a 'Symbol'
- Graphic
- Movie Clip
- Button

Flash Animation

1) Frame by Frame - shape or symbol
2) Shape Tween - shape only
3) Motion Tween - symbol only
4) Motion Path - symbol only

Project 2

Work on Project


In Class Thur Jan 14th



Flash Examples

Basics of Flash Day 2

the Lasso Tool
- fluid selection tool

the Text Tool
- Manipulating text

Modify --> Group & Ungroup
- grouping and ungrouping of shapes

Modify --> Break Apart

Modify --> Arrange
- the ability to change the position of a group relative to another group in a layer

File --> Import
- Images
- Audio
- Video

Tracing an image

Modify --> Bitmap --> Trace bitmap

Window --> Library
- this is where all your images, audio, video and symbols are kept for a project.

File --> Export
- movie - MOV
- image - JPG

File --> Save As
- creates a FLA

File --> Publish
- creates a web ready SWF (and HTML)


In Class Tue Jan 12th

Photoshop Basics
- New, Open, Save, Save As, Save For Web

Digital Image File Formats acceptable by Flash.
.JPG - Photorealistic, Small File Size
.GIF - Limited to 256 colors, can contain Transparency
.PNG - Photorealistic (kinda) and can contain Transparency

- Image --> Image Size, Canvas Size, Image Rotation
- Image --> Adjustments
- Tools

Filters (mostly) Suck! Be weary of using them

Basics of Flash
* Strokes and Fills (based on Points)
- Stage
- Timeline
- Options
- Menu Bar
-- File --> Open, Save, Save As
-- View --> Rulers, Grids, Guide, Snapping
-- Modify --> Document (size matters)
-- Window -->
- Tools
-- Selection Tool
-- Line Tool
-- Lasso Tool
-- Pen Tool
-- Oval Tool
-- Rectangle Tool
-- Pencil Tool
-- Brush Tool
-- Ink Bottle
-- Paint Bucket
-- Eye Dropper
-- Eraser
-- Hand Tool
-- Zoom Tool
-- Fill and Stroke Colors

Project 1 Assigned


Just Do It and see what Happens

Work on Project


First Day

Welcome to Digital Art & Design III, Interactive Media.

For the next 4 weeks this class will consider, research and create Interactive Media through the use of Macromedia Flash MX.

You are looking at the class blog! This blog is the virtual focal point of the class. Most all information about the class can be found here including the syllabus, project details, reference materials and daily updates on what will be covered in class. You have to check this website ON A DAILY BASIS if you wish to pass this class.

We will loosely be following the schedule below:

Week 1 - Mac Basics, Digital Image Basics, Photoshop Basics, Basics of Flash; Drawing, Animation, Image Manipulation, Import/Export

Week 2 - Web sites in Flash; Symbols, Transitions, Buttons, Basic Action Script

Week 3 - You Don't Want to Know!

Week 4 - Final Flash Projects


Today in class

- Lab Fee $100

- Intro to the Mac
-- Questions?
-- Whats Where?
-- Files & Folders
--- Folder Views
--- Making a New Folder
-- Drag & Drop
-- 'Trash' and 'Emptying the Trash'
--- Ejecting USB thumb drives and CD/DVD's

Digital Imaging Basics
- DPI = dots per inch
-- 'Dots' are 'Pixels' also measured as PPI (pixels per inch)
- Screen Resolution is 72 Dpi. You can literally hold up a magnifying glass and a ruler and count 72 dots with in an inch.
- Your projects will be created in Pixels

Screen sizes

old school:
smallest - 800 x 600
medium - 1024 x 768
large - 1280 x 1024

new school (wide screen):
small - 800 x 400, aspect ratio 10:6
medium - 1280 x 800/1200x768, aspect ratio 16:10/16:9.5
large - 1680 x 1050, aspect ratio 16/10
larger - 1900 x 1200, aspect ratio 16:9.5

pixel dimensions of popular electronic equipment
- Classic TV = 320x240
- DVD = 720 x 480 (720 x 534)
- HDTV1080i = 1920 x 1080
- HDTV720i = 1280 x 720
- Youtube Traditional = 320 x 240
- Youtube Current = (most any wide screen size)
- PSP = 480 x 272
- iPod = 320 x 240
