
In Class Mon April 30th

Show and tell. Show us what you found!

We will preset the projection project between the 14th and 24th around campus.
- Where is your projection on campus?

Reactive Sound Installation

Work on Project


In class wed Apr 25th

Show and Tell

Work on Project


In class Wed Apr 18th

Advanced Flash


Think about levels like layers. They stack from the top down.
The first SWF is on level 0
Levels go from 0 - 999
0 is the bottom and 999 is the top
What ever is on top covers everything below.

You call up SWF's onto layers with a "loadMovieNum" command

example use on a button:

loadMovieNum("SWF-04.swf", 75);

example use on a frame:
loadMovieNum("kill.swf", 300);

You can get rid of an SWF on a level in 2 ways.

1) use a loadMovieNum to call up a new SWF on the same level
2) use an unLoadMovieNum to unload the movie from the level



SWFs in the example and their level:

Rainbow Backgrounds = 0
Green Ball 1 = 50
Image = 75
Black Mask Square = 100
Black Mask Circle = 100
Green Ball 1 = 200
kill button = 300

Work on Project

* Remember on Monday April 23rd, I will not be here so it is a work on your project day! get stuff done!


In class Mon Apr 16th

Show Examples of projections from your blogs

Lets see your sites and talk about your Ideas

Photographing your Site

Creating a Projection for your Site

The Resolution of our Projector is 1024x768


In class wed April 11th

Show examples of projections from your Blogs.

Begin working on Project
- Scout a few sites for your projection and take pictures!

- Make a list of different animations that would be interesting for each space.

- Bring the photographs and the animations list with you to class on Monday


In class Mon Apr 9th

Project 4 is Due at the beginning of class!
*Hand in the HTML file & the SWF

Critique Project 4

Project 5 Assigned

Examples for Project 5


onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.yChange = Math.round(_root._ymouse-this._y);
_root.xChange = Math.round(_root._xmouse-this._x);
_root.yMove = Math.round(_root.yChange/5);
_root.xMove = Math.round(_root.xChange/5);
this._y += _root.yMove;
this._x += _root.xMove;


In class Mon Apr 2nd

Review Flash
- Animation
- Buttons
- Actionscript

Work on Project!

The Flash Project is due next Monday!