In class Mon Feb 1st
In Class Tue Jan 26th
Show and Tell
In class Mon Jan 25th
In Class Fri Jan 22th
In Class Thur Jan 21st
In Class Tue Jan19th
In Class Mon Jan18th
Story of Stuff
Home on the Range
Project 1 & 2 Due Thursday Jan 21st
Motion Path, the 4th Animation Style
1) Create a Symbol on a layer
2) Click the 'Add Motion Guide' button
3) Select a frame on the Guide layer that matches the fame of your Symbol and create a Key frame
4) Using the Pencil tool draw the path you want the symbol to follow on the Guide layer
5) Attach the Symbol to the beginning of the line
6) Select a Frame as an end point on the Symbol's layer and create a key frame
7) Insert a Frame on the Guide Layer that matches the last frame on the Symbol layer
8) Attach the Symbol to the end of the path
9) Insert a Motion Tween on the Symbol's layer
Good Luck!
Buttons Symbols
- Up - How the button looks Normally
- Over - How the button looks when the cursor is over top of it
- Down - How the button looks when the button is pressed while over top of it.
- Hit - The area sensitive to cursor.
Basic Actionscript
- Timeline Actions
--- look under 'Global Functions' --> 'Time Line Control'
- Button Actions
--- look under 'Global Functions' --> 'Movie Clip Control'
Both can use 'Global Functions' --> 'Browser/Network'
Controlling the Timeline
On the Timeline
- Stop();
- gotoAndPlay("frame #");
- gotoAndStop("frame #");
ie.... gotoAndStop(134);
On Buttons
- on (release) {"what you want to do"};
ie... on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); }
In Class Fri Jan 15th
Flash Basics Day 3
Color Mixer
Creating a 'Symbol'
- Graphic
- Movie Clip
- Button
Flash Animation
1) Frame by Frame - shape or symbol
2) Shape Tween - shape only
3) Motion Tween - symbol only
4) Motion Path - symbol only
Project 2
Work on Project
In Class Thur Jan 14th
In Class Tue Jan 12th
First Day
- Classic TV = 320x240
- DVD = 720 x 480 (720 x 534)
- HDTV1080i = 1920 x 1080
- HDTV720i = 1280 x 720
- Youtube Traditional = 320 x 240
- PSP = 480 x 272
- iPod = 320 x 240