
In class Wed Feb 29th

Blog Show & Tell - Show us what you have found.

Word Image Collection

Drawing in Flash

Whats Where

Create a new document
---> File ---> New ---> Flash File (Actionscript 2.0)

Change the Documents size
---> Modify ---> Document
* note, you can change the Frame Rate here also!

Save Your Document
---> File ---> Save As ---> Flash CS4 .FLA

- Drawing Tools
-- Strokes and Fills
--- Adjusting Stroke and Fill options

Selection Tools
- single click, double click, shift click

- New Layer, Delete Layer, New Folder
- Locking Layers, Layers Visibility, Layer Outlines

- Placing the Marquee
- Frames, Keyframes, Blank Keyframes
* Control Click on the timeline to bring up frame insert options
- Adding Frames and Deleting Frames
- Adjusting the Frame Rate (FPS)
- To play your animation place the marquee where you want to start and hit "Return"

Frame by Frame Animation
- Onion Skin, Onion Skin Outlines

Shape Tween Animation
1. Place a Blank Keyframe on the timeline
2. Draw a shape on that Keyframe
3. Go to another frame on the timeline and insert a keyframe
4. Make changes to the shape or postion of the shape in the second keyframe
5. While holding control click on the timeline between the 2 keyframes and select "Shape Tween"

Experiment with drawing and animation in Flash.

Project 3 Assigned

Work on Project


In class monday Feb 27th

Show and Tell

Last weeks Blog Questions.

What is "interactivity" and how does it function in your daily life?

What is "experience". What does it mean to experience something? Physical? Mental?

Color by Numbers - Cellphone/Light interactive art piece
Jason Eppink - Start
Pixelator - Street ARt
For Later - send and email to yourself or others later
Demo Choice - Polling

* Lets perform a symphony - BAdmindTime
* Surreal Drawing

Discuss Project 2

Work on Project 2


In class Wed Feb 22nd

Interactive Artists

Email Story


- Set-up
-- Hooking up Tumblr to Flickr (and other sites)
- Uploading
- © & CC
- Tagging
- Sets & Collections
- Making and Joining Groups

Work on Project and Assignments


In class Mon February 20th

- Blog Questions of the week

What is "interactivity" and how does it function in your daily life?

What is "experience". What does it mean to experience something? Physical? Mental?

Choose Your Own Adventure - a non-linear book.
What was the experience like compared to reading a "normal" book.

Assigned Project 2 - Leave Behinds

*Art is about asking a question. Design is about solving a problem.

The Quarter experiment - get a quarter and a some crazy glue. Go to a public place like a diner or library and glue the quarter down. Make sure it is heads up! Watch the magic.

- Gettin it set up.
- Using Tumblr
- "Follow Everyone in class"

Play Games


In class wed Feb15th

* Experiments & examples
--- Telephone
--- Choose Your Own Adventure Books

--- The Dark
--- AOL Liza
--- Chore Wars
--- Dungeons & Dragons
--- Games

Leave Behinds
--- Parking Ticket - Leave Behinds
--- Book/Zine in a Library
--- Object in Salvation Army
--- Left on public transportation
--- Other Ideas????????????????????????????

Assignment #1 - Send Me Something
- send them something - take a picture of what you send
- take a picture of what they send back

Project 1 assigned - Blog

* Set up New Blog on Tumblr



In class Mon Feb 13th

Art = Experience

The main reason people view art is to have an experience.

What is the experience of a Painting?
* How about a; Drawing, Print, Photograph, Film/Video
* or Glass, Sculpture, Ceramics, Fiber Arts, Metals
* or Installation Art, Performance Art, Sound Art
* or Net.Art, Videogames

When we "look" at art we have an experience. A person looking at an art piece is considered the "Viewer". Looking at art is a passive experience. Can we experience art in ways besides "looking" at it?

There is a range of interactivity in Art from passive to active.

Passive Interaction <----------------> Active Interaction

Viewer <-------------------------------------------> Collaborator

So what is Interaction?


1. a mutual or reciprocal action or influence

2. (Physics / General Physics) Physics the transfer of energy between elementary particles, between a particle and a field, or between fields See strong interaction, electromagnetic interaction, fundamental interaction, gravitational interaction, weak interaction, electroweak interaction

How does the experience change when we actively interact with an art piece?

Most digital art forms are inherently interactive?


Welcome to the first day of Art316 Interactive Media

This is the class blog and contains most of the information you will need to successfully complete this class. Projects and the syllabus can be found on the right side of the page.


