
In class Wed Mar 21st

Who needs to have access to the lab this break?

Flash Examples

New ActionScript:

How to navigate to a URL.

put the following ActionScript on a button. Use the URL you want, "blank" can also be "self"

on (release) {
getURL("http://www.hartwickdigital.com", blank);


c = 1;

hight = 4;

race = hight + c;

check your Variables

trace("text" + variable);

trace("variable hight = " + hight);

Generate Random Numbers


c = random(100) * 100;

hight = random(7) + 4;

Check if something happens

if ( something == something) { do something }

if (hight <= 4){
race = "halfling"

if (hight == 5){
race = "elf"

if (hight == 6){
race = "human"

if (hight >=7){
race = "half-Orc"

Creating Transitions in Flash
- Color Change
- Background Fade
- Movement

* Remember only one animation at a time on a layer

* Remember Actionscript goes on Buttons and Key Frames ONLY!

Think of an Idea. Gather Content. Work on Project.


In class Mon Mar 18th

Project 3 Due
Show me your interactive tins!
- Lets review

How to create a basic website in Flash
- Come up with an idea for your site. Ask these questions:
1) What pathways will you provide your end user?
2) Is there meaning behind the structure.
3) What is the purpose of the site?
- Gather content (this can take a while)
1) Draw or find the images/videos you need for the website
2) Edit your images in Photoshop
* Note JPGs or PNGs only
3) Edit your video with Quicktime Pro or iMovie
- Create your Document in Flash
1) Actionscript 2.0 only!
2) Change the size
3) Change the Frame Rate
4) Import your Content
5) Create your symbols, animations & Buttons
6) Create your structure
7) Drop your content on the appropriate pages
8) Drop in your Actionscript
9) Test
* Save Often

Project 4 Assigned

Make sure you are comfortable doing the following things in Flash.
- Changing the size of the stage and Frame Rate (FPS)
- Making a Nested Symbol
- Making a Shape Tween
- Making a Classic Tween
- Making a Motion Tween
- Making an Animated Button
- Put a 'stop();' action on a Key Frame
- Have a button goto a frame using action script

Work on Project


In class wed Mar 14th

Flash Examples:


Don't Click

Carnac by Terry Slade



The Museum of me

Creating Symbols - (Forget the Graphic (f0r now)

-- Movie Clip

-- Button

- Nested symbol

- Nested Animated symbol

--- as Movie Clip

--- as Button

(try to start thinking about Flash in pieces)

Moving around the Timeline using action script:


on (release) {gotoAndPlay(frame#);


Quick Project: Create a complex Button and a complex nested Movie Clip

(the button should contain animations on 2 frames, the movie clip must have at least 3 animations nested inside it)

Project 3 (the Tins) are due at the Beginning of class on Monday!


In class Mon Mar 12th

Required Presentation!

March 14 | 6 p.m. | Anderson Theatre

Frank and Caroline Mouris

Lecture with independent film makers The Mourises will show their Academy award winning animated short, Frank Film together with subsequent film, Frankly Caroline. Frank Film from 1973 is a compilation of images collected from magazines interwoven with two narrations, one giving a mostly linear autobiography and the other stating words having to do with the images, the story the first voice is relating, or neither. The soundtrack was created by Tony Schwartz.

also coming up soon!

April 5–12 | Opening:Thursday April 9 | 4:30-6 p.m.

Student Generated Film Series

Digitalvideodrone - Best digital film and animation created by Harwick students over the past 5 years.

* Submit your entry to me. I accept digital files on a USB thumbdrive. I prefer .MOV files at full resolution.

Blogs Show & Tell - Show us the best of what you found so far.

Flash Day 4

Importing a Video into Flash

File --> Import to the stage or Library

Select your video file and click 'Import'

This will bring up the 'Import Video Window'

- Choose 'Embeded FLV in SWF & play in timeline

* if your video is not a FLV file you need to launch the 'Adobe Media Encoder' to encode your video as an FLV

-- Once the Adobe Media Encoder is open, choose 'FLV Flash 8 or higher' from the 'Preset' drop down menu

-- Click 'Start Queue'

-- When the encoding is done Quite Adobe Media Encoder

- This will bring you back to the 'Import Video Window'

- You will need to go find the new .FLV file on your computer in 'File Path' and click 'Continue'

- keep the settings on this page the same a the default and click 'Continue'

- click 'Finish'

The 'Import Video Window' will close and you should see your video on the timeline.

Manipulating the Timeline
---> Edit ---> Timeline ---> Delete Frames [shift + F5], Cut Frames, Copy Frames, Paste Frames

---> Insert ---> Timeline ---> Frame [F5], Keyframe [F6], Blank Keyframe [F7]

* Click and drag on the timeline to select frames
* Command click on a keyframe to move it

- Export Movie
- Publish Settings, Publish Preview, Publish

Flash File types
- FLA = Flash working file. This is the most important file of your project.
- SWF = Flash file for the web. This allows web browsers to see the animation/video.
- MOV = Apple Video File

- Nested Symbols = a symbol embedded in a symbol

Work on Projects!


In class Wed Mar 7th

Blog Show & Tell

Email me your Blog Address

Flash Day 3

-Importing an Image
- Trace Bitmap

- The Library
- Find it under "Window"

- Symbols
- Insert New Symbol
- Convert to Symbol
--- Graphic, Button, Movie Clip
- Editing a Symbol

- Motion Tween
1. Make a Key Frame on the timeline
2. Draw a shape and convert it into a symbol [ graphic ]
3. Place the marquee further down the timeline & place a 'Frame'
4. Control Click on the timeline and insert a "Motion tween"
5. Click on the timeline to set movement points and move your symbol
6. You can manipulate the motion path in the same way you can manipulate strokes in Flash

- Classic Tween
1. Make a Key Frame on the timeline
2. Draw a shape and convert it into a symbol [ graphic ]
3. Place the marquee further down the timeline & place a 'Keyframe'
4. Move/Change the symbol on the second keyframe
5. Control Click on the timeline and insert a "Classic tween"

Classic Tween & Motion Tween in Flash CS4*

Other Examples

Work on Project


In class Mon Mar 5th

Project 2 is Due.

Lets talk about what happened.
Did you get people to interact with you?
What was the experience you were trying to create for them?


Whats Where

Create a new document
---> File ---> New ---> Flash File (Actionscript 2.0)

Change the Documents size
---> Modify ---> Document
* note, you can change the Frame Rate here also!

Save Your Document
---> File ---> Save As ---> Flash CS4 .FLA

- Drawing Tools
-- Strokes and Fills
--- Adjusting Stroke and Fill options

Selection Tools
- single click, double click, shift click

- New Layer, Delete Layer, New Folder
- Locking Layers, Layers Visibility, Layer Outlines

- Placing the Marquee
- Frames, Keyframes, Blank Keyframes
* Control Click on the timeline to bring up frame insert options
- Adding Frames and Deleting Frames
- Adjusting the Frame Rate (FPS)
- To play your animation place the marquee where you want to start and hit "Return"

Frame by Frame Animation
- Onion Skin, Onion Skin Outlines

Shape Tween Animation
1. Place a Blank Keyframe on the timeline
2. Draw a shape on that Keyframe
3. Go to another frame on the timeline and insert a keyframe
4. Make changes to the shape or postion of the shape in the second keyframe
5. While holding control click on the timeline between the 2 keyframes and select "Shape Tween"

Experiment with drawing and animation in Flash. See if you can create both styles of animation. Show me when you figured it out.

Work on Project 3