
In Class Thur May 1st

Due today - all your content (imagery, sounds, video, text) should be collected and ready for Flash!

Work on your sites, ask questions.


In Class Tue Apr 29th

Lets take a look at your flow charts for your sites.

I want to see a folder with your content in it.

whats next:

* collect whatever else you need (this is an on going process)

* get your images ready for Flash

- you should size your images in Photoshop to the size you need in Flash
-- the PNG vs JPG vs Gif
- PNG - photoquality, small file size, transparency
- JPG - photoquality, smal file size
- GIF - transparency, 256 color limit (good for old school video game sprites)

* get your video ready
- size it for what you need in flash by using iMovie and exporting (sharing) the movie
- flash has a video import sequence , follow the steps

* get your audio ready
- iTunes can make you an mp3
- you can edit audio in iMovie

* get a basic template together for your site
- choose size & frame rate, make sure you use this size and FPS for all of your Flash documents
- remember to save as to back up and make copies!


In Class Thur Apr 24th

You Should have a basic idea for your site today.

lets look at making test flowcharts for your sites.

- consider how you are moving the collabrator thru the site.
- what order is image/info presented in? and why?
- what are the different possibilities?

Different forms of navigation.


why do they navigate the way they do? what effect does it have on the collaborator's experience?

create 3 different possible flow charts for your site by Tue April 29th. you should also be collecting content (imagery, sounds, video, text) and should have at least 1/2 of what you need for the site

Deconstructing FLA's

- where to find them
--- web search, designers, web resources, me
- taking them apart
--- look for the actionscript, the little 'a' in the timeline and on symbols (buttons and movieclips)
--- things will be buried with-in symbols
--- look at symbol 'instance names'
* all symbols can have instance names that can then be called up by actionscript
--- try to figure out what the variables are
--- sometimes the programmer/designer will leave 'notes' to help you know what is going on in the script.
--- try changing something (don't forget to save a copy first)
--- discard what you do not need


In Class Tue Apr 22nd

Actionscript Review

Frame Actions:

var = ?
ex. var A1 = 10;

Button Actions:

on (release) {
ex. on (release) { gotoAndPlay(800);}

Button or Frame Actions:

ex. stop();

if (comparison) { statement }
ex. if(x == 10) {loadMovieNum("http://www.josephvonstengel.com", 60); }

loadMovieNum("url", level);
ex. loadMovieNum("http://www.josephvonstengel.com", 100);

ex. unloadMovieNum(70);

getURL("url", blank or self);
ex. getURL("http://www.culturerecycling.com", self);

ex. gotoAndPlay(69);

ex. a = random(9)+1;
ex. x = random(50) - random(y);
ex. z = random(x)-y+10;

Lets look at examples:
joes examples

How to backwards engineer an FLA


In Class Tue Apr 17th

Lets Discuss the web!

Project 3
Step 1
- Sketch out your ideas and create a flow chart
* Come up with 5 ideas written down by next tuesday April 22nd

Step 2
- collect your content

Step 3
- create the site
--- create you main FLA Template
--- choose a frame rate between 8 and 20 fps
--- pick a size smaller then 980 x 660


In Class Tue Apr 15th

Your SWF files are due today by the end of class!

Lets look at Flash as a web site.
- many SWF's make up content and layout
- animations = transitions
- action script is the control
- you can control the action or the viewer can control the action
- Flash is embeded in an HTML page
- The first SWF called up by the HTML is Level 0

The next project!


In Class Tue Apr 8th

Joe will not be in class today.

*use the time to get your project done! or work on your BLOG (everyone remember that?)

see you in class on thursday!