
In class Tue Jan 20th

Get your Project 3, 3d prints printed by the end of the day today!

How to Design a Game by Andrew Looney!

Teach us your Game - Write out and print up the rules to your game. 1 for each person in the class plus JOe. You will share them with the class!

Thinking about style

Test play games
* Lex - Vegas
* Stasia - Agent’s of Shield

Critique Project 3 

Play D&D
It is dusk and the Party is getting ready for spending a night in the forest.

What to be working on and what's Due:
Read the Chapters below in "The Kobold guide to Game Design" by Thursday 22nd
- The Game is not the Rules by James Ernest
- How do I design a game by Andrew Looney
- The most beautiful game mechanics  by Mike Selinker

A playable Mock up version of your game with printed rules by Thursday 22nd

Learn the rules to your assigned game be ready to teach it to another person by Thursday 22nd

Transfer the updated Chicken Fight cards from your "9-up template" to the “Poker Size Temp.psd” ASAP
* You  only need to transfer the cards for the current game, not your the extras

Update your Chicken Fight card backs for review ASAP

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