

We Are Done!

Congratulations! you can check out the finished pieces by clicking the Class Websites link on the right.


In Class Thur May 15th


Work on your sites!

get it up online!


In Class Thur May 1st

Due today - all your content (imagery, sounds, video, text) should be collected and ready for Flash!

Work on your sites, ask questions.


In Class Tue Apr 29th

Lets take a look at your flow charts for your sites.

I want to see a folder with your content in it.

whats next:

* collect whatever else you need (this is an on going process)

* get your images ready for Flash

- you should size your images in Photoshop to the size you need in Flash
-- the PNG vs JPG vs Gif
- PNG - photoquality, small file size, transparency
- JPG - photoquality, smal file size
- GIF - transparency, 256 color limit (good for old school video game sprites)

* get your video ready
- size it for what you need in flash by using iMovie and exporting (sharing) the movie
- flash has a video import sequence , follow the steps

* get your audio ready
- iTunes can make you an mp3
- you can edit audio in iMovie

* get a basic template together for your site
- choose size & frame rate, make sure you use this size and FPS for all of your Flash documents
- remember to save as to back up and make copies!


In Class Thur Apr 24th

You Should have a basic idea for your site today.

lets look at making test flowcharts for your sites.

- consider how you are moving the collabrator thru the site.
- what order is image/info presented in? and why?
- what are the different possibilities?

Different forms of navigation.


why do they navigate the way they do? what effect does it have on the collaborator's experience?

create 3 different possible flow charts for your site by Tue April 29th. you should also be collecting content (imagery, sounds, video, text) and should have at least 1/2 of what you need for the site

Deconstructing FLA's

- where to find them
--- web search, designers, web resources, me
- taking them apart
--- look for the actionscript, the little 'a' in the timeline and on symbols (buttons and movieclips)
--- things will be buried with-in symbols
--- look at symbol 'instance names'
* all symbols can have instance names that can then be called up by actionscript
--- try to figure out what the variables are
--- sometimes the programmer/designer will leave 'notes' to help you know what is going on in the script.
--- try changing something (don't forget to save a copy first)
--- discard what you do not need


In Class Tue Apr 22nd

Actionscript Review

Frame Actions:

var = ?
ex. var A1 = 10;

Button Actions:

on (release) {
ex. on (release) { gotoAndPlay(800);}

Button or Frame Actions:

ex. stop();

if (comparison) { statement }
ex. if(x == 10) {loadMovieNum("http://www.josephvonstengel.com", 60); }

loadMovieNum("url", level);
ex. loadMovieNum("http://www.josephvonstengel.com", 100);

ex. unloadMovieNum(70);

getURL("url", blank or self);
ex. getURL("http://www.culturerecycling.com", self);

ex. gotoAndPlay(69);

ex. a = random(9)+1;
ex. x = random(50) - random(y);
ex. z = random(x)-y+10;

Lets look at examples:
joes examples

How to backwards engineer an FLA


In Class Tue Apr 17th

Lets Discuss the web!

Project 3
Step 1
- Sketch out your ideas and create a flow chart
* Come up with 5 ideas written down by next tuesday April 22nd

Step 2
- collect your content

Step 3
- create the site
--- create you main FLA Template
--- choose a frame rate between 8 and 20 fps
--- pick a size smaller then 980 x 660


In Class Tue Apr 15th

Your SWF files are due today by the end of class!

Lets look at Flash as a web site.
- many SWF's make up content and layout
- animations = transitions
- action script is the control
- you can control the action or the viewer can control the action
- Flash is embeded in an HTML page
- The first SWF called up by the HTML is Level 0

The next project!


In Class Tue Apr 8th

Joe will not be in class today.

*use the time to get your project done! or work on your BLOG (everyone remember that?)

see you in class on thursday!


In Class Tue Apr 1st

Work on Project


In Class Thur Mar 20th

Lets look at what we need to make a Flash website again!
- SWFs on different levels that bring up and take away content as it is needed.
- Interaction can happen through keystrokes or buttons activated by the mouse.
- you will need the loadmovienum, unloadmovienum, geturl, on & stop actionscript commands
- all SWF's need to be the same size and frame rate (fps)
- 'Levels' stack from level 0 on the bottom to level 999 on the top. Level 0 controls the size and fps of the SWF's on all the other levels

More Advanced ActionScript
- variables var = ?
- lets randomize things random(#);
- test for action if (comparison) { statement }

ex. a = random(9)+1;

ex. x = random(50) - random(y);

ex. z = random(x)-y+10;


In Class Tue Mar 18th

Flash - the Web

Lets look at makin' an advnced Flash Web site
- gettin it layed out (at least the basics)
- buttons for navigation
- what the heck are LEVELS?
* flow - load movie / unload movie like loading new html pages

new action script
loadMovieNum("url", level);


getURL("url", blank or self);


Next Projexct

Project Next

size 363 w X 400 h
15 FPS


In Class Thur Mar 13th

Finish up your animations!

Save them as a SWF!

lets look at getting stuff out of Flash

* the .MOV - can be good, may not always work!
* the .SWF - great for the web
* Images - we can pump out a variety of formats
* Publish command

Project 2 Assigned!
- web art - hartwick digital web page insert


In Class Tue Mar 11th

Choose Your Own Adventure, Creating the non linear path.
- diagrams and charts are fun. a CYOA adventure mapped out.

Greek Gods Family Tree
(in Flash)

Moving around the Timeline using action script:


on (release) {gotoAndPlay(frame#);


In Class Thur Mar 6th

Today I will be collecting your Images from the Vector Drawing Assignment!

Advanced Flash (gettin' ready for the web)
Controlling the Timeline
- Buttons
- Actionscript

Flash Links
* Musicovery
* Polar Clock
* Gapminder


In Class Tue Mar 4th

Flash Animation
Makin' a Symbol
- New symbol
--- Graphic, Button & Movie Clip
- convert to a symbol
--- nested symbols

the second two
Motion Tween
Motion Path


In Class Thur Feb 28th

Your Flash Drawing Assignment is Due
- How to export it as a 150 dpi jpeg
- Hand in your images to joe

Animation / Game example

Flash Animation
4 styles
- Frame by Frame
- Shape Tween
- Motion Tween
- Motion Path

Lets try the first two

Frame by Frame
* lest check out the frame rate (FPS)
- working the Timeline
--- adding and deleting Frames & Key Frames
--- moving Frames
Shape Tween

In Class Assignment #2
create a 15 second @ 15 fps animation using both frame by frame & shape tween animation.
create a 15 second @ 15 fps animation using motion tween and motion paths animations.
* the size of the animation must be 720 x 534 pixels
Due March 13th


In Class Tue Feb 26th

Where is your blog?
- lets make a link list on the class blog


- Fill Transform Tool

FILE -->
- Import
- Import to Library
- Export Image
- Export Movie
* Lets check out the Library

Work on your Vector Drawings

In Class Tue Feb 26th

In Class Assignment: Vector Drawing

Due Thur Feb 28th

Whats due:
2 images created in Flash saved as 150dpi JPEGs.


In Class Thur Feb 21st

Today in Flash:

- Rulers, Grids, Guides and Snaping

- Cut /Copy/Paste/ Paste in Place in flash

- Text in Flash

- Group/unGroup/Break Apart Shapes
--- try breaking apart Text

- Arrange the Groups
--- forward and backward

- Working on an Grouped shape
--- pay attetion to where you are

- Alpha is Opacity
--- check out the color mixer

- Transform anything (an I mean anything)

- Saving as FLA
- Exporting as an Image
- Exporting as an SWF


In Class Tue Feb 19th


check out Speakerson.net

What is a Vector?

- Layout
--- Windows

--- Stage

--- Timeline
----- layers
------- locking layers
------- layer visibility
------- layer outlines
----- folders

- Properties
--- size
--- frame rate
--- background color

- Tools

* lets draw

Flash Frame Rate & Size basics
-frames per second (FPS)
- Low bandwidth website 12 FPS or less
- Mid bandwidth website 14 - 20 FPS
- Fast bandwith website 20 FPS or more
- Movie Film 24 FPS
- Digital Video 30 FPS (about)
- Traditional Film Animation 12 FPS (double click)

-pixel dimensions
- Small Website = 640x480 or smaller
- Ave size Website = 920x680 smaller
- Large Website = 1024x768 or larger
-TV = 320x240
-DVD = 720 x 480 (720 x 534 )
-HDTV1080i = 1920 x 1080
-HDTV720i = 1280 x 720
-Youtube = 320 x 240
-PSP = 480 x 272
-iPod = 320 x 240


In Class Thu Feb 14th

Flash Examples
Jackson Pollack
Holiday Snowglobe

Hookin up the Web2.0

you will need to sign up for each of the following:


i would make all the names and passwords the same for each account if you can.

once you have the accounts try to make a post on your blog.

Lets Check out Flash

* open it up and take a look


In Class Tue Feb 12th

Hello and welcome to the class blog for ART 316 Interactive Media for the Web. This blog will be the focal point for this class both inside & outside the class room. If you want to know what is going on in the next class or are looking for resources and examples, this is the place to go.

Come on in the water's fine.

Do you know about Net Neturality? Lets ask a Ninja.

What is Web 2.0?
* A good example of Web 2.0 is Podcasting, the Ninja may be able to tell us what podcasting is.

thanks Ninja!

So what the heck is an RSS feed?

What can this do for us as artists? How can we use it? In what way can it be subverted? What does this mean to American society? To television?



