
In Class Tue Apr 1st

Work on Project


In Class Thur Mar 20th

Lets look at what we need to make a Flash website again!
- SWFs on different levels that bring up and take away content as it is needed.
- Interaction can happen through keystrokes or buttons activated by the mouse.
- you will need the loadmovienum, unloadmovienum, geturl, on & stop actionscript commands
- all SWF's need to be the same size and frame rate (fps)
- 'Levels' stack from level 0 on the bottom to level 999 on the top. Level 0 controls the size and fps of the SWF's on all the other levels

More Advanced ActionScript
- variables var = ?
- lets randomize things random(#);
- test for action if (comparison) { statement }

ex. a = random(9)+1;

ex. x = random(50) - random(y);

ex. z = random(x)-y+10;


In Class Tue Mar 18th

Flash - the Web

Lets look at makin' an advnced Flash Web site
- gettin it layed out (at least the basics)
- buttons for navigation
- what the heck are LEVELS?
* flow - load movie / unload movie like loading new html pages

new action script
loadMovieNum("url", level);


getURL("url", blank or self);


Next Projexct

Project Next

size 363 w X 400 h
15 FPS


In Class Thur Mar 13th

Finish up your animations!

Save them as a SWF!

lets look at getting stuff out of Flash

* the .MOV - can be good, may not always work!
* the .SWF - great for the web
* Images - we can pump out a variety of formats
* Publish command

Project 2 Assigned!
- web art - hartwick digital web page insert


In Class Tue Mar 11th

Choose Your Own Adventure, Creating the non linear path.
- diagrams and charts are fun. a CYOA adventure mapped out.

Greek Gods Family Tree
(in Flash)

Moving around the Timeline using action script:


on (release) {gotoAndPlay(frame#);


In Class Thur Mar 6th

Today I will be collecting your Images from the Vector Drawing Assignment!

Advanced Flash (gettin' ready for the web)
Controlling the Timeline
- Buttons
- Actionscript

Flash Links
* Musicovery
* Polar Clock
* Gapminder


In Class Tue Mar 4th

Flash Animation
Makin' a Symbol
- New symbol
--- Graphic, Button & Movie Clip
- convert to a symbol
--- nested symbols

the second two
Motion Tween
Motion Path